Holy Day Schedule

Fri, Nov 1 - All Saints Day - is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Mass Times

Mass times and Office hours.


Directions to St. Francis of Assisi.

Weekly Bulletin

Download the weekly bulletin.


Give of your time, talent and treasure.


Lectio divina is a method of prayer from the monastic tradition of Christianity. It is translated as “holy reading,” “divine reading”, “meditative reading,” or “spiritual reading.”

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Ignatian contemplation is a very active way of praying that engages the mind and heart and stirs up thoughts and emotions and is suited especially for the Gospels.

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Weekly Reflection

He Came To Give

10-20-2024  |  We Celebrate Worship Resource, Vol. 49, No. 1

Jesus was not very explicit when he called the disciples. “Come, follow me” is a pretty vague invitation. But over time the disciples came to realize their mission. Jesus set an example for them, teaching, healing, and forgiving those who came to him. He even invited the disciples to go out in pairs and do the same. But all this recent talk about the kingdom and eternal life has distracted them. James and John decided to ask Jesus for a special place in this eternal kingdom. It is time for Jesus to summon the Twelve all over again to remind them of their mission. The goal of Christ’s mission is service, not glory. The focus is on others, not oneself. Jesus “did not come to be served but to serve” (Mark 10:45). When we were first called, we may not have understood our mission. Certainly not if we were baptized as babies! Sometimes we need to be summoned again. And again. Out of love for our neighbor, we are called to sacrifice our own desires, our own possessions (recalling last Sunday’s Gospel), and even our own lives. Let us work to recognize Christ in our neighbor, making us eager to serve others.

What will you do this week to serve others in a new way?

El Vino A Dar

Jesús no fue muy explícito cuando llamó a los discípulos. “Ven y sígueme” es una invitación bastante vaga. Pero con el tiempo los discípulos se dieron cuenta de su misión. Jesús les dio el ejemplo, enseñando, sanando y perdonando a quienes acudían a él. Incluso invitó a los discípulos a salir de dos en dos y hacer lo mismo. Pero toda esta charla reciente sobre el reino y la vida eterna los ha distraído. Santiago y Juan decidieron pedirle a Jesús un lugar especial en este reino eterno. Es hora de que Jesús vuelva a convocar a los Doce para recordarles su misión. El objetivo de la misión de Cristo es el servicio, no la gloria. El enfoque está en los demás, no en uno mismo. Jesús “no vino para ser servido, sino para servir” (Marcos 10:45). Cuando fuimos llamados por primera vez, es posible que no hayamos entendido nuestra misión. ¡Ciertamente no si fuimos bau zados cuando éramos bebés! A veces necesitamos que nos convoquen de nuevo. Y otra vez. Por amor al prójimo, estamos llamados a sacrificar nuestros propios deseos, nuestras propias posesiones (recordando el Evangelio del domingo pasado), incluso nuestra propia vida. Trabajemos para reconocer a Cristo en nuestro prójimo, lo que nos hará estar deseosos de servir a los demás.

¿Qué harás esta semana para servir a los demás de una manera nueva?



Month of the Rosary / Mes del Rosario

Join us for Daily Mass at 8:00am and stay after to Pray the Rosary with us!

Acompáñenos todos los martes a las 7:00pm en la Capilla para Rezar el Santo Rosario.

Pray to Protect them Both

Vote "NO" on Amendment 4

Vote "NO" a la Enmienda 4


Save Your Stuff!

The Knights of Columbus will be having another Flea Market in April 2025! The last one was a huge success for our church. Proceeds from the sale was enough to pay for all the new altar lighting.


St. Francis Trunk or Treat!

Bring your Children, 12 and under in the Church Parking Lot.

¡Traiga a sus hijos, menores de 12 años en el estacionamiento de la iglesia.


November 1 All Saints Holy Day / Día de Todos los Santos

Thu, Oct 31 6:30pm English Vigil Mass
Fri, Nov 1 8:00am English; 7:00pm Español

24 hours of Eucharistic Adoration / 24 horas de Adoración Eucarística

Beginning at the 8:00am Mass on the First Friday, closing at the 8:00am on the First Saturday


All Souls Day / Día de Todas las Almas

Join us as we remember the faithful departed. Parish-wide Bilingüe Mass at 10:00am.

Thanksgiving Food Drive / Campaña De Alimentos De Accion De Gracias

It's “Thanksgiving Food Drive” time again!

Es nuevamente la época del año para la campaña de “Alimentos de Acción de Gracias”.