Lectio divina is a method of prayer from the monastic tradition of Christianity. It is translated as “holy reading,” “divine reading”, “meditative reading,” or “spiritual reading.”
Ignatian contemplation is a very active way of praying that engages the mind and heart and stirs up thoughts and emotions and is suited especially for the Gospels.
Weekly Reflection
The Son of Man Must Suffer Greatly
09-15-2024 | We Celebrate Worship Resource, Vol. 49, No. 1When Jesus asks his disciples who they say he is, Peter immediately declares, “You are the Christ” (Mark 8:29), Christ being the Greek translation of the Hebrew Messiah. Poor Peter. He had it right, yet he got it all wrong. Yes, Jesus was the Messiah, but not the Messiah the disciples expected. Jesus sets them straight immediately, teaching them that he was sent to suffer and die. Peter cannot accept this. The disciples had just seen him cure another person and confront the religious authorities. Shouldn’t the Messiah continue doing both, eventually ending all their infirmities and triumphing over their oppressors? Isaiah was closer to seeing things from God’s perspective. People spat in his face, but Isaiah was willing to face the next confrontation because he trusted that God was with him. Jesus tells his disciples that they too must deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow him. This is our challenge now. Today, as we receive Christ in word and sacrament, we unite with him in carrying our crosses. We will suffer, but our suffering is made holy by his presence.
How can knowing that Christ is with you in your suffering make it easier for you to cope with carrying your cross?
El Hijo Del Hombre Tendrá Que Sufrir Mucho
Quando Jesús les pregunta a sus discípulos quién dicen que es él, Pedro declara inmediatamente: “Tú eres el Cristo” (Marcos 8:29), siendo Cristo la traducción griega del Mesías hebreo. Pobre Pedro. Tenía razón, pero se equivocó. Sí, Jesús era el Mesías, pero no el Mesías que los discípulos esperaban. Jesús los corrige de inmediato, enseñándoles que fue enviado a sufrir y morir. Pedro no puede aceptar esto. Los discípulos acababan de verlo curar a otra persona y enfrentarse a las autoridades religiosas. ¿No debería el Mesías continuar haciendo ambas cosas, terminando finalmente con todas sus enfermedades y triunfando sobre sus opresores? Isaías estaba más cerca de ver las cosas desde la perspec va de Dios. La gente le escupió en la cara, pero Isaías estaba dispuesto a enfrentar la siguiente confrontación porque confiaba en que Dios estaba con él. Jesús les dice a sus discípulos que ellos también deben negarse a sí mismos, tomar sus cruces y seguirlo. Este es nuestro desa o ahora. Hoy, cuando recibimos a Cristo en la palabra y el sacramento, nos unimos a él para llevar nuestras cruces. Sufriremos, pero nuestro sufrimiento se hace santificado por su presencia.
¿Cómo puede el saber que Cristo está con go en tu sufrimiento hacer que sea más fácil para ti sobrellevar tu cruz?
Save Your Stuff!
The Knights of Columbus will be having another Flea Market in April 2025! The last one was a huge success for our church. Proceeds from the sale was enough to pay for all the new altar lighting.
Curso Felipe
Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros para vivir su encuentro personal con Jesús y tener una gran experiencia con el Espíritu Santo en el fin de semana de Sep 21/22 a partir de las 8:00am.
Choir/Music Ministry at St. Francis
We welcome all singers in grades 9 through adults! If you are interested in praising the Lord through song, we would love to have you!
24 hours of Eucharistic Adoration / 24 horas de Adoración Eucarística
Beginning at the 8:00am Mass on the First Friday, closing at the 8:00am on the First Saturday
3rd Annual Multicultural Event in Honor of our Patron St. Francis of Assisi
The Parish and its different cultures come together to share this celebration with you. Sign up to participate and display the food, music, dance and decorations from your culture.