Novena for a Peaceful Election / Novena por una Elección Pacífica

Novena for
Faithful Citizenship

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Novena Para Ser Ciudadanos Fieles

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The Patriotic Rosary - For the Consecration of Our Nation

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Pray for a
Peaceful Election

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Mass Times

Mass times and Office hours.


Directions to St. Francis of Assisi.

Weekly Bulletin

Download the weekly bulletin.


Give of your time, talent and treasure.


Lectio divina is a method of prayer from the monastic tradition of Christianity. It is translated as “holy reading,” “divine reading”, “meditative reading,” or “spiritual reading.”

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Ignatian contemplation is a very active way of praying that engages the mind and heart and stirs up thoughts and emotions and is suited especially for the Gospels.

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Weekly Reflection

The Greatest Commandment

11-03-2024  |  We Celebrate Worship Resource, Vol. 49, No. 1

It is incredibly rewarding for a teacher to see or hear that glimmer of understanding in a student, especially in a student who has failed to comprehend earlier lessons. Scribes had consistently failed to understand Jesus. They were more concerned about keeping Sabbath practices and eating with clean hands than about doing good for others. But today we meet a scribe who, when told that the greatest of all commandments is to love God with our whole self and to love our neighbor as ourselves, immediately points out that these are worth more than all the offerings made in the temple. Jesus, seeing that he “got it,” assures him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:34). We just honored the saints, whom we believe are in God’s kingdom. This is our goal as well. Today we are reminded of the means to that goal. The love and care that we have for ourselves must be turned outward, toward God and our neighbor. This sacrifice—not one of the burnt offerings, but the selfless one Jesus modeled for us on the cross—is the sacrifice Jesus calls us to make.

How will you show that you too understand the greatest commandment?

El Gran Mandamiento

Es increíblemente gratificante para un maestro ver u oír ese destello de comprensión en un estudiante, especialmente en un estudiante que no ha comprendido las lecciones anteriores. Los escribas habían fracasado constantemente en entender a Jesús. Estaban más preocupados por guardar las prácticas del sábado y comer con las manos limpias que por hacer el bien a los demás. Pero hoy nos encontramos con un escriba que, cuando se le dice que el mayor de todos los mandamientos es amar a Dios con todo nuestro ser y amar al prójimo como a nosotros mismos, inmediatamente señala que estos valen más que todas las ofrendas que se hacen en el templo. Jesús, viendo que lo había entendido, le asegura: “No estás lejos del reino de Dios” (Marcos 12:34). Acabamos de honrar a los santos, quienes creemos que están en el reino de Dios. Este es también nuestro objetivo. Hoy se nos recuerda el medio para alcanzar ese objetivo. El amor y el cuidado que tenemos por nosotros mismos deben dirigirse hacia afuera, hacia Dios y hacia el prójimo. Este sacrificio —no el de un holocausto, sino el desinteresado que Jesús modeló para nosotros en la cruz—es el sacrificio que Jesús nos llama a hacer.

¿Cómo demostrarás que tú también en endes el mayor mandamiento?



Gift Shop

The St. Francis Parish Gift Store is open on Saturdays and Sundays before and after all masses.


Retiro de Adviento del Grupo de Oración

El grupo de Oración Te invita al Retiro de Adviento. "Caminando con esperanza al encuentro Del Señor del Adviento" Los días 22 y 23 de Noviembre en 834 s Orange Blossom, tr apopka Fl 32703 parroquia San francisco de asis.


Save Your Stuff!

The Knights of Columbus will be having another Flea Market in April 2025! The last one was a huge success for our church. Proceeds from the sale was enough to pay for all the new altar lighting.


National Vocation Awareness Week

National Vocation Awareness Week is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life.

Fish Fridays/ Viernes De Pescado

Come and join us for fish, french fries, coleslaw, and baked goods at St. Francis Parish Center.


50/50 Raffle / Rifa de 50/50

Donation - $50.00
One book for $20.00 (2 Tickets Free)

See you at the raffle draw sponsored by and for Vocationist Fathers!

Thanksgiving Food Drive / Campaña De Alimentos De Accion De Gracias

It's “Thanksgiving Food Drive” time again!

Es nuevamente la época del año para la campaña de “Alimentos de Acción de Gracias”.


Veteran's Day Collection/ Colecta Del Dia Del Veterano

The St. Francis of Assisi Knights of Columbus Council will be having a Veteran’s Day collection after all Masses the weekend Sat/Sun Nov 9/10.