Mass Times

Mass times and Office hours.


Directions to St. Francis of Assisi.

Weekly Bulletin

Download the weekly bulletin.


Give of your time, talent and treasure.


Lectio divina is a method of prayer from the monastic tradition of Christianity. It is translated as “holy reading,” “divine reading”, “meditative reading,” or “spiritual reading.”

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Ignatian contemplation is a very active way of praying that engages the mind and heart and stirs up thoughts and emotions and is suited especially for the Gospels.

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Weekly Reflection


04-14-2024  |  We Celebrate Worship Resource, Vol. 49, No. 1

After Peter rebukes his audience for their responsibility in putting Jesus to death, he offers them an opportunity to make amends: “Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away” (Acts 3:19). He ought to know. While the crowds were calling for Jesus’ death, Peter had denied him three times and stayed as far away from him as he could. So too had most of the other disciples. Secretly gathering later in the upper room, having heard that Jesus had risen from the dead, they must have wondered if he would be angry or disappointed in them for abandoning him. But he was not. “Peace be with your,” he said immediately (Luke 24:36), before calling upon them to preach repentance for the forgiveness of sins, which Peter did, boldly and eloquently. Now Peter is preaching to us. We have sinned. We have failed. Yet always Jesus greets us with forgiveness, as he does here today in the breaking of bread. Peace, he offers, the peace of knowing that always, anytime, our sins can be wiped away.

Do you feel that sense of peace that comes from the Lord? How can you pass that on to your neighbor?

La Paz

Después de que Pedro reprende a su audiencia por su responsabilidad al dar muerte a Jesús, les ofrece la oportunidad de enmendarlo: “Arrepiéntanse y conviértanse para que se les perdonen sus pecados” (Hechos 3:19). Él debería saberlo. Mientras la multitud pedía la muerte de Jesús, Pedro lo negó tres veces y se mantuvo lo más lejos que pudo de él. También lo habían hecho la mayoría de los otros discípulos. Reunidos en secreto más tarde en el aposento alto, después de haber escuchado que Jesús había resucitado de entre los muertos, debieron haberse preguntado si él estaría enojado o decepcionado con ellos por haberlo abandonado. Pero no lo fue. “La paz esté con ustedes”, dijo inmediatamente (Lucas 24:36), antes de llamarlos a predicar el arrepentimiento para el perdón de los pecados, lo que Pedro hizo con valentía y elocuencia. Ahora Pedro nos está predicando. Hemos pecado. Hemos fracasado. Sin embargo, Jesús siempre nos saluda con el perdón, como lo hace hoy aquí al partir el pan. Paz, ofrece, la paz de saber que siempre, en cualquier momento, nuestros pecados pueden ser borrados.

¿Sientes esa sensación de paz que viene del Señor? ¿Cómo puedes transmitirle eso a tu vecino?



Ministros de la Eucaristía

Todos los Ministros de la Eucaristía (EMHC) deben asistir a la próxima formación que se celebrará el sábado, 20 de abril de 8:30am-12:30pm en el Centro Parroquial.

High School Youth Ministry

All High Schoolers in grades 9-12 are welcome to join us on Sundays at 6:00pm in the Youth Room, FF#3!


Todos los lectores deben asistir a la próxima formación que se celebrará el domingo, 21 de abril a las 14:00 en la Iglesia.

Faith Formation Registrations for the 2024-2025 School Year

Registrations are for NEW AND RETURNING students. Even if your child was in the Faith Formation Program last year, they will need to register again for the next year.


Congreso Para Familias y Parejas

La Parroquia San Francisco de Asís te invita al Congreso de Familia y Pareja

Renueva tu relación familiar y de pareja a través del conocimiento y el control: Tus emociones


Rhapsodic Keyboards

All are welcome to join us for Rhapsodic Keyboards on Fri, Apr 26 at 7:30pm featuring Steinway Artist, Dr. Joseph Irrera on the Piano and Dr. William Picher on the Organ.


24 hours of Eucharistic Adoration / 24 horas de Adoración Eucarística

Beginning at the 8:00am Mass on the First Friday, closing at the 8:00am on the First Saturday


Joyful Again, Orlando! Retreat for Widows and Widowers

A Retreat for Widows and Widowers will be held the weekend of May 25/26 at San Pedro Retreat Center 95 Bishop Grady Lane Winter Park, FL 32792.